3 Ways to Cope with Divorce in Your 20s


Many people who have gone through a divorce in their 20s or are considering it know that friends, family and even total strangers can be quite judgmental. But young or old, there’s no age requirement for divorce. If you got married at a young age, it’s quite possible and not unusual that you might be considering a divorce at a young age as well. Things don’t always go according to plan: someone cheats, you have different goals, or you realize that you’ve rushed into something that you weren’t prepared for.

But instead of looking at yourself or your relationship as a failure you should consider it an opportunity to make a bold decision with your life.

1. View it as a learning experience. Every relationship you have is a learning experience where you have the opportunity to find out things about yourself and what you need. Instead of feeling regret or blocking it out, take the time to evaluate what you learned from the experience and what things you would do differently the next time.

2. Resist the urge to put your partner down. If you and your partner had a shared social circle, now is the time when a little emotional maturity can go a long way. The temptation to paint your ex as the ‘bad guy’ can be strong, but it’s best to avoid categorizing each other into good guys and bad guys. Talk to your friends, tell them that you and your partner still like and respect each other and would prefer that they not put the other person down. It can be hard to be the bigger person, but it’s better for your emotional well-being.

3. In spite of all the judgment, realize that leaving is sometimes the best, healthiest choice. It’s often much easier to deal with divorce when you are younger because you and your spouse haven’t spent decades entwining your lives and finances. It’s far worse to stay in a relationship you are unhappy with and end up children who are raised by unhappy parents.


If you have questions about divorce or separation in the Windsor area, please contact experienced family lawyer Jason P. Howie, online or at 519.973.1500.

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