Covid-19 Notice: We are OPEN…

…but “open” looks a little different!

Obviously, the situation changes day by day but this is to let you know how we are going to deal with this challenge:

  1. we are going to follow the advice of the provincial government and local health authorities with regard to keeping the office open;
  2. that being said, we are going to be working with a skeleton staff at the office, and some staff members may be working from home;
  3. we are going to minimize office visits and utilize videoconferencing wherever possible;
  4. for your information, the court system is effectively suspended. We are still permitted to complete our filings. However, there will be no appearances in court until the end of May 2020. Any court attendance scheduled between now and that time will be postponed;
  5. the court system has made an exception for very dire and extreme circumstances. In those situations, in a rather complicated way, I can still apply for a court order but it must be for a crisis;
  6. if you do come to the office, be sure that we are washing our hands regularly and liberally applying Lysol.

Stay tuned. Stay well. This will be over before you know it.

In the meantime, here’s a lighthearted tweet from the wonderful children’s author Sandra Boynton: